Market Trends Report Q4 2021

Markeds Trend Rapport: Brukte anleggsmaskiner og transportkjøretøy, Europeisk utgave Q4 2021


En gratis rapport som dekker tilbud, etterspørsel og trender

I denne kvartalsvise rapporten gir vi deg verdifull innsikt i markedstrendene for brukt utstyr i Europa basert på tilgjengelige data fra Mascus, den ledende online-markedsplassen i Europa for brukte tunge maskiner og nyttekjøretøy, og Ritchie Bros., en av verdens ledende innen auksjoner av tunge maskiner og utstyr.

I denne utgaven tar vi et nærmere blikk på volumet av objekter til salgs, samt etterspørselen som vi har registrert i siste kvartal 2021 for dumpere, traktorgravere, midi gravere, hjulgravere, dozere and mobilkraner.

«Stats based on Mascus listings show a clear decrease in equipment stocks in our clients’ yards while the average age of used equipment for sale is rising. The same trend is occurring with auction lots where both the age of the machines and the prices are increasing.»

Johan Lustig
Product Manager, Valuation Services

Below is a sample of the market insights that you will find in this report.

All-terrain cranes

The volume of all-terrain cranes for sale in 2021 remained elevated in Q4 2021 vs. the previous year. The demand for these cranes in Europe exceeded Q4 2020 by 32% and 11%, as reflected in direct calls to sellers and email requests, respectively.

Number of all-terrain cranes listed for sale on Mascus in Europe

Top 5 most wanted brands & top countries buying all-terrain cranes on Mascus

Liebherr was by far the most demanded brand of all-terrain cranes in the last quarter of 2021 in Europe. This data is based on the number of buying enquiries (emails, phone calls) to sellers. The strongest demand came from the Netherlands and Germany.

Top demand for all-terrain cranes on Mascus during Q4 2021

Backhoe loaders

Median price of backhoe loaders sold in Ritchie Bros. auctions across Europe increased by +44%

2021 ended on a high note for backhoe loaders sold through Ritchie Bros. sales channels, with the number of units sold almost doubling in Q4 compared to the previous year.

Backhoe loaders sold by Ritchie Bros. in Europe in Q4 2021

Median pricing of these units registered a massive increase (+44%) in Q4 compared to 2020. JCB remained at the top of the brand list with the highest number of sold units in Q4. The Netherlands, Spain, and Italy were the top three countries buying backhoe loaders.

Insights on backhoe loader sales through Ritchie Bros. channels in Europe

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