Markeds Trend Rapport: Brukte anleggsmaskiner og transportkjøretøy, Europeisk utgave Q3 2021


En gratis rapport som dekker tilbud, etterspørsel og trender

I denne kvartalsvise rapporten gir vi deg verdifull innsikt i markedstrendene for brukt utstyr i Europa basert på tilgjengelige data fra Mascus, den ledende online-markedsplassen i Europa for brukte tunge maskiner og nyttekjøretøy, og Ritchie Bros., en av verdens ledende innen auksjoner av tunge maskiner og utstyr.

I denne utgaven tar vi et nærmere blikk på volumet av objekter til salgs, samt etterspørselen som vi har registrert i tredje kvartal av 2021 for minigravere, teleskoplastere, diesel trucker, og bomlifter (ledd og teleskop).

Rapporten nedenfor er på Engelsk, og du kan laste den ned.

«New equipment deliveries of certain products and brands have been announced to incur delays until mid, end of 2022 and even early 2023. As a result, the demand in used assets has gone up and combined with the rise in new prices, the used equipment pricing has consequently seen unprecedented increases month after month.»

Jeroen Rijk
SVP, Managing Director, EMEA & LATAM

Below is a sample of the market insights that you will find in this report.

Diesel forklifts

There were fewer used diesel forklifts listed for sale on Mascus in the third quarter of 2021 compared to 2020. The number of units listed for sale was constantly lower this year compared to last year. However, overall demand in Q3 2021 was higher compared to last year. Phone calls from buyers to sellers have increased by +35% while email enquiries have decreased slightly by -8% compared to Q3 2020.

Top 5 most demanded brands & top countries buying Diesel forklifts on Mascus

Linde was the most demanded brand of diesel forklifts in the third quarter of 2021 in Europe and the highest demand for this type of equipment came from the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. This data is based on the number of buying enquiries (emails, phone calls) to sellers.

Top demand for diesel forklifts on Mascus during Q3 2021

Telescopic handlers

Median price of telescopic handlers sold in Ritchie Bros. auctions across Europe increased by +31%

During Q3 2021, Ritchie Bros. has sold -47% less telescopic handlers across Europe compared to Q3 2020. A low volume of equipment available on the market caused a significant increase of +31% in median price compared to the same period last year. Manitou, JCB and Dieci were the most sold brands of telescopic handlers in Q3 2021.

Telescopic handlers sold by Ritchie Bros. in Europe in Q3 2021

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